Music school of Borgerhout (1986-1997), studies piano with Peter Vanderkoelen and graduates with Greatest Distinction in 1997: Harmony, Music Theory, Chamber music and piano
Free University of Brussels (VUB) (October 1997-july 2001) & Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (October 2001-July 2002): Electrotechnical Engeneering, specialisation in Applied Physics & Photonics, graduated with Great Distinction in July 2002.
Royal Flemish Conservatory (Antwerpen) (July 2002-2004): Bachelor Composition with Luc Van Hove (2007), graduated with distinction
Royal Flemish Conservatory (Antwerpen) (July 2004-2009): Master Composition with Luc Van Hove (2009), graduated with great distinction
Sonology Department of Royal Conservatory of The Hague (The Netherlands) (September 2004-June 2005): one-year-course specialisation in sonology
Royal Conservatory of Brussels (September 2006-2009): Technology in Music (Peter Swinnen & Katarzina Glowicka), with greatest distinction
Starts a PhD in composition at Harvard University under the guidance of Chaya Czernowin (September 2011)
17-19 November 2004: seminar “Evolution of serialism in the 20th century” at “Orpheus Institute, Advanced Studies and Research in Music” (Korte Meer 12, 9000 Gent, belgium),
Workshop by Orm Finnendahl (2004)
13-21 June 2005, SuperCollider workshop, STEIM, Amsterdam
13-14 June 2005, LiSa Workshop, STEIM, Amsterdam
June 2006, Nime Workshop (New interfaces for Musical Expression), IRCAM, Paris
11-14 April 2007, participated at International Orpheus Academy for music & theory 2007: “Tempo, Meter, Rhythm. Time in Music after 1950" (“Orpheus Institute, Advanced Studies and Research in Music”, Gent)
workshops with Vinko Globokar (January & June 2007) - Royal Flemish Conservatory, Antwerp
workshops with Richard Barrett (May 2005 – Royal Conservatory of The Hague & June 2007 – Royal Flemish Conservatory, Antwerp)
masterclasses with Beat Furrer, Vladimir Tarnopolski (14-26 February 2009, – Universität fur Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Graz)
workshop with Gerhard Eckel at Institut fur Elektronische Musik, Graz on "Motion Enabled Live-Electronics" (14-26 February 2009, – Universität fur Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Graz)
workshops live-electronics with Orm Finnendahl (15-19 October 2009, 26 February-1 March 2010, 17-31 July 2010 – Institut fur Neue Musik,Musikhochschule Freiburg & Darmstadt Ferienkurse)
masterclasses with Chaya Czernowin & Steven Tagasuki at Tzlil Meudcan Summercourse, Israel (24 June - 4 July 2010)
masterclasses with Enno Poppe & Georges Aperghis at Darmstadt Ferienkurse, Germany (17-31 July 2010)
“Study of the influence of gain dispersion on the dynamics, coherence and intensity noise of a multimode semiconductor laser” (Physical Review A 68 053804 (2003), Carles Serrat, Stefan Prins, Ramon Villasecca).
January 2008-April 2009: research-project together with Wim D’Haese on spectral analysis and its use in improvisation and composition – collaboration between University of Antwerp and Royal Flemish Conservatory.