15/09/24: new double-cd inhabit out on Sub Rosa

I'm delighted with the brand-new release by Sub Rosa Records, inhabit, coproduced by Deutschlandfunk Kultur, which contains new studio recordings and fully remastered live-recordings of four recent, large-scale compositions: Inhibition Space #1 (2020) for bass woodwind trio and live-electronics, performed by Ensemble Mosaik, inhabi_inhibit (2019-2020) for four spatialized quartets, six feedback soloists & live-electronics, performed by EnsembleKollektiv Berlin (cond. Max Murray), under_current (2020-2021, rev. 2023) for electric guitar and orchestra, played by Yaron Deutsch (e-guitar) & the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchesta (cond. Ilan Volkov), and Mesh (2022-2023) for ensemble and live-electronics, by the Nadar Ensemble. This release was made possible by Sub Rosa and Deutschlandfunk Kultur (coproducer), the support of all participating ensembles and musicians, BBC Radio 3 & the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and last but not least the financial support from the Flemish Government. Heartfelt thanks to all of them! cd cover inhabit

05/04/24: Noses live in Dresden

Part of an improvised set with Mazen Kerbaj on amplified trumpet & objects, recorded live during "dasKONZERTs #6", at Riesa Efau, Dresden, on 23.11.2023.

17/12/23: Live-recording of premiere "skin deep #1"

For soprano, ensemble, live-electronics ∧ live-video. A wonderful team consisting of soprano Sarah Defrise, Ensemble Ascolta, (Niklas Werani, sound) ∧ Warped Type (visuals) premiered this composition - my first one including the voice - at the Festival NOW! on the 29th of October 2023 at the Philharmonie Essen. It was commissioned by Ensemble Ascolta and Festival NOW, and financed by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg. Video edit by Valerij Lisac.

And here is an audio-only recording of the same performance:
06/07/23: Premiere & Live-recording Mesh

Live-recording of the brand-new Mesh for ensemble & live-electronics, with optional headphones, performed by Nadar Ensemble at the Grote Zaal of the Concertgebouw Brugge on 26/3/2023.

26/03/23: Premiere & Live-recording Generation Kill - Offspring #2

Live-recording of the brand-new Generation Kill - Offspring #2 for game controller performer & live-video, performed by Dries Tack (Nadar Ensemble) at the Kamermuziekzaal of the Concertgebouw Brugge on 26/3/2023.

26/09/22: Interview in Soundmaking Podcast about inhabit_inhibit

In the 85th episode of their podcast Soundmaking, Matthew Shlomowitz and Hakon Stene interviewed me about inhabit_inhibit.

15/07/22: CD-release "Inhibition Space #2" (bass clar. & live-el.)

The fantastic, uncompromising clarinet player Dries Tack, with whom I have had the pleasure to collaborate in the Nadar Ensemble for more than 15 years already, just released his first solo CD, the (literally) breath-taking Adjacent Spaces. On it he plays my brand new Inhibition Space #2 for bass clarinet and live-electronics (2021, 18'), which I wrote for Dries. The composition is part of the ongoing "Inhibition Space" cycle, in which acoustic instruments are extended through self-controlled feedback. Below you can hear an extract.

01/05/22: Live-recording of premiere "inhabit_inhibit" online

For 4 spatialized quartets, 6 feedback soloists & live-electronics. The world premiere was performed at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ by ASKO|Schönberg & soloists of Ensemblekollektiv Berlin, conducted by Baldur Brönnimann and with sound-engineer Florian Bogner. Commissioned by Ammodo/Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ & Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung. Video edit by Kobe Wens.

inhabit_inhibit is an immersive, wide-arched composition of some 50 minutes, dealing with our technologized relationship with ecology and our surroundings, with the run-away-effect and points-of-no-return, with control and the lack thereof, and attempts to find a symbiosis between the hybridized human and the places it inhabits.

De Groene Amsterdammer (Frank Mulder) had interviewed me in advance about this project, as well as NRC Handelsblad (Joep Christenhusz), which also reviewed the premiere later on. More reviews can be found here (Nieuwe Noten/NL) and here (Bachtrack/DE). Future performances include Ultraschall in Berlin, January 2023.

30/03/22: Close-up of "under_current" in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik
Tobias Schick wrote this excellent close-up/analysis of "under_current" for electric guitar solo & orchestra for the March 2022 issue of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik. cd cover Mirror Box
15/10/21: Live-recording of "under_current" (e-guitar & orchestra)
For electric guitar solo & orchestra (36 mins, 2020-2021). Premiered at Donaueschinger Musiktage 2021. Yaron Deutsch (e-guitar), Orchestre Philharmonique de Luxembourg, cond. Ilan Volkov, sound-engineer Florian Bogner. Live-recording by SWR.
13/10/21: Essay in "Gegenwärtig. 100 Jahre Neue Musik. Die Donaueschinger Musiktage"
My essay "Donaueschingen Memories" is published (in English) in the book "Gegenwärtig. 100 Jahre Neue Musik. Die Donaueschinger Musiktage" (Ed. Björn Gottstein & Michael Rebhahn), Henschel Verlag, which can be obtained here.
10/08/20: Recording of "Inhibition Space #1" (2020)
For bass flute, bass clarinet, bass oboe & live-electronics (2020). Studio-recording by Ensemble Mosaik at Vivaldisaal, Berlin, 28/7/2019.
1/06/20: "Watch me watch you watch me" - Schott Publications
In April 2019 I gave a presentation at the 73rd Frühjahrstagung of the Institut für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung Darmstadt about the use of selfies in the context of contemporary music. I thoroughly reworked and expanded this presentation and turned it into the essay Watch me watch you watch me - Instrumentalizing the Audience's Gaze in the Age of Selfies (A Meta-Selfie) which has now been published in the book ÖFFENTLICHprivat - (Zwischen)Raüme in der Gegenwartsmusik, ed. Jörn Peter Hiekel, by Schott. The book can be ordered here.
1/06/20: "Modell für eine hybride Welt" in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik
For the June edition of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik I attempted to describe what I understand under 'teaching composition', and how I aim to implement this at the Hochschule für Musik "Carl Maria Von Weber" Dresden. The full journal (2/2020, published June 2020) can be ordered here, my article can be downloaded here in German and here in English.
1/05/20: "SELBSTlaut: Offstage - Bilder & Collagen" in MusikTexte
For the "SELBSTlaut" series of MusikTexte I made 6 dyptichons/collages of fotos I have shot while being on the road for the past 2 years. The full journal (165th issue, published May 2020) can be ordered here, my contribution can also be downloaded here.
1/11/19: "Hände ohne Orte" on WERGO by Decoder Ensemble
Kairs-Augmented Wergo released this great CD with a brand-new studio recording of Hände ohne Orte (2016-17) for clarinet, cello, percussion, piano and soundtrack and of other brand-new compositions by Brigitta Muntendorf, Ole Hübner, Matthias Kranebitter & Leopold Hurt, all performed by the Decoder Ensemble, who commissioned and premiered these pieces at their Big Data festival in 2017.
1/07/19: Professor of Composition at Hochschule für Musik Dresden
In March 2020 I'll happily take up the position of Professor of Composition and director of the Electronic Studio at the Hochschule für Musik "Carl Maria von Weber" Dresden.
1/06/19: Guest-Professor of Composition in Bern & Oslo (2019-2020)
In the Fall semester of 2019-2020 I'll be guest-professor of composition at the Hochschule für Kunste Bern and the Norwegian Academy of Music Oslo.
25/05/19: Recording of premiere "Mirror Box Reflections" online
For dynamically amplified ensemble & live-electronics (2015/2019). Live-recording of the premiere by Ensemble Mosaik, conducted by Enno Poppe, at Kesselhaus/Kulturbrauerei, Berlin, 23/5/2019.
27/03/19: Kairos released "Augmented" (DVD+CD)
Kairs-Augmented I'm thrilled with the release of this DVD+CD box by Kairos. The DVD contains the audio-visual works Generation Kill, Mirror Box Extensions, Piano Hero #1-4 and Third Space) in brand-new video recordings by Kobe Wens with Nadar Ensemble, Klangforum Wien &Bas Wiegers, Hiatus Dance Company and Stephane Ginsburgh. On the CD you will find a revised version of Not I for electric guitar and live-electronics, performed by Yaron Deutsch and myself, the music of Third Space (Klangforum Wien & Bas Wiegers) and Infiltrationen 3.0 for string quartet, FX-pedal players and live-electronics, performed by Nadar Ensemble, Johannes Westendorp, Kris Delacourt and myself, wonderfully mastered by Stefano Bechini/Green Brain Studio. This release would not have been possible without the generous support of the Flemish Government and supplementary support from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Brussels Art Platform, Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, Muziekcentrum de Bijloke, deSingel Art Campus, Champdaction, ICST Zürich, Hiatus, Nadar Ensemble, Klangforum Wien & Kairos! Pieter Matthynssens and Tim Rutherford-Johnson wrote each a wonderful essay for the booklet, and Kairos made all of this into a beautiful object containing 202 minutes of video and 80 minutes of audio, which can be bought for only 22 euro.

The first reviews are in and can be found on this link.
10/06/18: Interview with Barbara Eckle about "Third Space" in NZfM
NZfM-3-2018 Published in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, June 2018 (3/2018).

ARCHIVE (2017-2008)

    20/10/17: Recording of first performance "Hände ohne Orte" online
    For clarinet/bass clarinet, percussion, piano, cello and soundtrack (2016-2017) Live-recording of the premiere by Decoder Ensemble, 2nd of September 2017, Resonanzraum, Hamburg.
    11/7/17: New CD-Release by Nikel Ensemble

    cd cover Mirror Box

    Brand new studio recordings of "Fremdkörper #2" and "Flesh+Prosthesis #0-2" for sax, percussion, e-guitar, piano & live-electronics, performed by Nikel Ensemble. Listen to an excerpt here (Release date: 11 July 2017)
    1/5/17: Interview on "El Compositor Habla"
    A long interview for Ruth Prieto's "El Compositor Habla" blog is now online.
    27/3/17: "Piano Hero #4" video online
    Here's the video recording of the premiere of "Piano Hero #4" by Stephane Ginsburgh, live at Muziekcentrum de Bijloke (25/3/2017).

    The Piano Hero Cycle has now reached its completion, after having worked on it for the past 7 years. It's comprised of 4 parts that can be played independently or as a whole (the latter being the richer experience). The full cycle is about an hour of music. I'm very grateful to the pianists that have commissioned the pieces: Frederik Croene (#1), Mark Knoop (#2) and Stephane Ginsburgh (#3-4), as well as to the commissioning organisations: HCMF, Muziekcentrum de Bijloke, Ultima Festival Oslo, ICST Zürich & Darmstädter Ferienkurse. Special thanks go to Frederik Croene, for supplying the rich sonic and visual material for the videos in which he's playing on his piano frame, to Kobe Wens for these video recordings, to Florian Bogner (ICST) for the wonderful and inspiring collaboration in developing the electronics and to Victor Barcelo, Maarten Beirens, Toon Callier, Sylvia Hinz, Brian Penkrot, Bert Prins and Tianghe Zhou for recording a long set of chords on their beautifully out-of-tune pianos for PH#4.

    Videos of the other parts can be found here: Piano Hero #1,Piano Hero #2 & Piano Hero #3

    13/1/17: "Mirror Box" released on CD by Trio Accanto
    Trio Accanto's fantastic studio recording (done by the SWR) of Mirror Box (Flesh+Prosthesis #3) has just been released on CD by WERGO.

    Image from Mirror Box Extensions

    14/12/16: Double CD "Cloud Chamber" released (improv)
    The improvisations that Peter Jacquemyn (double bass & voice) and me (live-electronics) have recorded last summer are now released by ChampdAction Records, in a double CD with beautiful art work by Peter himself. The first CD contains 7 improvisations recorded in the studio (67'), while the second CD consists of the live recording of the two longer sets that Peter and me played at a concert the night before (59'). You can order it here.

    Here's one of the tracks of the first CD:
    14/10/16: Recording "Mirror Box Extensions" released on NEOS
    The live recording of the premiere of Mirror Box Extensions at the Donaueschinger Musiktage 2015, in a fantastic performance by the Nadar Ensemble, is featured on the new "Donaueschinger Musik Tage 2015"-compilation CD-box on NEOS

    Image from Mirror Box Extensions

    30/7/16: "Piano Hero #1-3" at Darmstadt Summer Festival (x2)
    At this year's Darmstadt Summer Courses & Festival Stephane Ginsburgh + ICST will premiere "Piano Hero #1-3" for keyboard, piano, live-electronics and live-video on 30/7/2016. On 31/7 Ulrich Mosch will give a lecture on "Piano Hero" in the context of the Lecture Series Rückblick - 7 Werke aus 7 Jahrzehnten. Immediately after the presentation Stephane will give a second performance of the entire cycle.

    Here is the recording of the second performance of "Piano Hero #3" by Stephane Ginsburgh (piano), Florian Bogner/ICST and me (live-electronics), live at Darmstadt, 31/7/2016:
    15/7/16: Electronic composition "Peel" on Nadar's Anniversary Vinyl
    Nadar Vinyl For the 10th Anniversary of the Nadar Ensemble I composed the electronic piece "Peel", which is now released on Nadar's Anniversary Vinyl, also including new electronic pieces by Michael Beil, Martin Schüttler, Michael Maierhof, Johannes Kreidler, Alexander Schubert, Jorge Sanchez-Chiong and Vladimir Gorlinsky. The gorgeous artwork was done by visual artist Joachim Devillé.
    15/7/16: "Körper in die Spiegelkiste" in "Neue Zeitschrift für Musik"
    Article on "Mirror Box Extensions" by Sebastian Hanusa in the July edition of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (4/2016)
    15/6/16: Essay "De kritische omhelzing van technologie in kunst"
    My new essay on the use of contemporary technology in art (with focus on music) is published in the June edition of "Rekto:Verso" (in Dutch). It can also be found online
    1/6/16: "Musikalische Phantomatik" in "Positionen"
    Article by Monika Pasiecznik in the June edition of Positionen (issue 107): "Musikalische Phantomatik. Die virtuellen Realitäten des belgischen Komponisten Stefan Prins". The article can also be read online on Monika's blog in both German and Polish.
    29/5/16: Book "Componisten van Babel" published
    Large essay on my music in Joep Christenhusz' book "Componisten van Babel. Meerstemmigheid in de gecomponeerde muziek van nu in Vlaanderen en Nederland". In this book Joep bundles 10 essays on 10 composers of the younger generation from Flanders and the Netherlands, also including Michel Vander Aa, Daan Janssens, Mayke Nas, Annelies Van Parys, Joachim Brackx, Merlijn Twaalfhoven, Micha Hamel, Joey Roukens en Wilbert Bulsink.
    19/5/16: "Verstrengelde dimensies" in "De Groene Amsterdammer"
    Article by Joep Christenhusz on "Mirror Box Extensions" in "De Groene Amsterdammer" of 19/5/2016: "Verstrengelde dimensies. Stefan Prins, tussen werkelijkheid & schijn".
    22/1/16: Kunstpreis Berlin für Musik 2016
    Very happy and honored to be this year's recipient of the Kunstpreis Berlin für Musik from the Akademie der Kunste.
    29/12/15: Video of "Mirror Box Extensions" now online
    Mirror Box Extensions - Donaueschinger Musiktage 2015

    Here it is, the video of the ever amazing Nadar Ensemble premiering Mirror Box Extensions, a staged piece for 7 musicians, live-electronics and live-video, at the Donaueschinger Musiktage 2015.
    19/5/15: "I'm your body" released on Witten Anthology CDs
    "I'm your body" for amplified quartet, ensemble and electronics is released on the 2014 Anthology cds of the Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik 2014, performed by Klangforum Wien and Emilio Pomarico.
    15/5/15: "Marmoré e Murta": Jacquemyn-Koole-Prins (improv)
    The excellent Brasilian label Seminal Records just released 'Marmoré e Murta', 50 minutes of improvised music with Matthias Koole (e-guitar), Peter Jacquemyn (double bass and voice) and me on electronics. Recorded at Q-O2 in Brussels. Soon also on CD.
    07/5/15: Essay "Über das Multidimensionale" in MusikTexte
    MusikTexte 145

    My essay Über das Multidimensionale has been published in the most recent MusikTexte (issue 145, May 2015). The English version of the text can be downloaded on the same link.
    30/4/15: "Theater van het hybride lichaam" in Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen
    MusikTexte 145

    My essay Theater van het hybride lichaam. Bewegen in onze augmented reality (in Dutch) has been published in the most recent issue of Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen (issue 353, April 2015).
    28/3/15: Radio portrait on Deutschlandfunk
    Based on several hours of interviews from the past years, Barbara Eckle made the radio portrait "Fleisch und Prothese" about my music for Deutschlandfunk. Click here to listen.
    10/2/15: Recording "Mirror Box (Flesh+Prosthesis #3)" online
    The wonderful Trio Accanto premiering Mirror Box (Flesh+Prosthesis #3) for sax, percussion, piano and live-electronics at Eclat Stuttgart on 6/2/2015.
    31/12/14: New video "Flesh+Prosthesis #0-2"
    New video online from the first performance of "Flesh+Prosthesis #0-2" by the fantastic Nikel Ensemble at the Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2014 (13th August 2014).
    12/10/14: ISCM Young Composer Award
    Very happy to be awarded the Young Composers Award at this year's ISCM World Music Days (Wroclaw, Poland) for Piano Hero #1, after a memorable performance by Małgorzata Walentynowicz.
    6/10/14: Laureate of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts
    I'm honored to be this year's Laureate of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts in the class of the Arts.
    16/08/14: Premiere of Ministry of Bad Decisions
    After a full year of fun and preparations with Brian Archinal and Yaron Deutsch we proudly presented our brand new band Ministry of Bad Decisions and its first show "I think I will" at the final concert of this year's Darmstädter Ferienkurse. More concerts coming up in 2015-2016!
    16/08/14: "Ensuite" by Ballon in Lyon
    New video online of a wonderful performance of "Ensuite" by Séverine Ballon in Lyon, 4th of October 2013.
    30/07/14: Darmstädter Beitrage für Neue Musik 2014
    My article Composing Today. Luft von diesem Planetem has just been published in the 22nd edition of the Darmstädter Beitrage für Neue Musik (2014).
    1/03/14: "Alien Bodies" - article on my music in "Dissonance"
    Swiss Music Journal for Research and Creation "Dissonance" has just published Tomasz Biernacki's article Alien Bodies about my music and aesthetics. It can be freely downloaded on the website of Dissonance.
    16/11/13: Recording of "Flesh+Prosthesis #1"
    Live-recording of the first performance of Flesh+Prosthesis #1 for ten.sax, e-gtr, pno, perc and soundtrack by the Nikel Ensemble during Wien Modern, 8th of November 2013.

    Click here for the audio recording only.

    28/9/13: "Composing Today" in Klangforum Agenda & Positionen
    My text Composing Today, Luft von diesem Planeten, written for the new Klangforum Wien Agenda, is now also published online in English and German. Or click here for the original Dutch version. The German translation will be published in the november issue of the new music journal Positionen.
    25/9/13: Recording "Generation Kill" released on NEOS
    The live recording of the premiere of Generation Kill at the Donaueschinger Musiktage 2012, in a great performance by the Nadar Ensemble, is featured on the new "Donaueschinger Musik Tage 2012"-compilation CD-box on NEOS

    Image from Generation Kill

    2/4/13: New video online of "Generation Kill"
    New video online of a great live-performance by the Nadar Ensemble (in collaboration with Centre Henri Pousseur) of "Generation Kill" at the Ars Musica Festival 2013 in Brussels on 23rd of April 2013.

    For a video of "Generation Kill-offspring 1", click here

    18/1/13: "Fremdkörper" double-cd in Chicagoreader's top-10 of 2012
    The double-cd "Fremdkörper", containing 10 compositions of mine from between 2004 and 2010, released at Sub Rosa, made it to the top-10 of the Chicagoreader's cd-releases of 2012. For more reviews, click here.
    27/12/12:"Piano Hero #1" selected for ISCM World Music Days 2014

    "Piano Hero #1" for midi-keyboard and live-video has been selected to be performed during the ISCM World Music Days 2014 in Wroclaw, Poland
    20/12/12:"Generation Kill" one of ten memorable performances 2012
    Alex Ross in The New Yorker - Culture Desk: [Amongst the ten memorable classical performances of 2012 was the premiere of] Stefan Prins's "Generation Kill" at the Donaueschingen Music Days. This blistering study of video-game culture and drone warfare showed a composer at the front lines of his art.
    12/11/12: Alex Ross on "Generation Kill" in The New Yorker
    Nothing made a deeper impression than 'Generation Kill', an explosive synthesis of live and electronic sound by Belgian composer Stefan Prins." (...) The result was mind-bending, and not in druggy, blissed-out way. As the composer intended, it was disturbingly difficult to tell what was real and what was virtual. The musicians were caught in temporal loops, as if Philip K. Dick had written a novel about chamber music. (...)
    Read the full article and other press reviews on the première of Generation Kill at the Donaueschinger Musiktage here.
    Click here (and scroll down to "Konzert mit dem Nadar Ensemble") to see the full video of "Generation Kill" as performed by Nadar Ensemble during the Donaueschinger Musiktage.
    18/07/12: PARK premiered at Darmstädter Ferienkurse
    Performed by Zwerm electric guitar quartet, Stefan Prins & Shila Anaraki (Frankfurt Lab, Frankfurt). Next performances: deSingel, Antwerp, 25/1/2013 & Beursschouwburg, Brussels, 15/3/2013.
    1/06/12: Double-cd "FREMDKÖRPER" out now on Sub Rosa
    Sub Rosa - Fremdkoerper

    Sub Rosa just released the double-cd "FREMDKÖRPER", containing 10 brand-new recordings of acoustic and electro-acoustic compositions I wrote between 2004 and 2010. Featured artists are Nadar Ensemble, Klangforum Wien, Champ d'Action, Nikel Ensemble, Agartha, Zwerm electric guitar quartet, Matthias Koole, Pieter Matthynssens and me. Comes with a 20 page booklet containing a.o. a text by Michael Rebhahn. Order the 2CD set now for only 12€! Starts shipping on 27th of June.

    First reviews on the CD are now online: Spectrum Culture (English) and on the Blog of Monika Pasiecznik (German). For more reviews, click here.
    25/05/12: Young Belgian Musician of the Year
    The Union of Belgian Music Journalists elected me "Young Belgian Musician of the Year 2012", resulting in a.o. a portrait concert at the Ars Musica 2013 festival. More news to come.
    04/05/12: Hybridae (2012) for 8-channel audio (stereo-downmix)

    Premiered on 26th April 2012 during the annual "Hydra-concert", using a 39-speaker setup at Paine Hall, Music Department, Harvard University
    25/11/11: "Piano Hero #1-2" at Huddersfield Festival & Intro In Situ
    After Frederik Croene premiered and performed "Piano Hero #1" in Belgium and The Netherlands (next performance on 4/12/2011 at Intro In Situ, Maastricht), Mark Knoop now plays this piece at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (UK), where he'll also premiere "Piano Hero #2". More "Piano Heroes" are planned in the following years, to form the large-scale cycle Piano Hero for piano, midi-keyboard, live-electronics, webcams and video.
    5/7/11: Portrait on German Radio HR2
    Portrait by Michael Rebhahn on the German radio station HR2: "Cluster - Introducing: Stefan Prins" on 5th of July 2011, 22:00-23:00, with an interview and recordings of "Not I", "Fremdkörper #1", "Infiltrationen", "Ventriloquium", "Fremdkörper #3 (mit Michael Jackson)" and more! Click here to listen to the program.
    11/3/11: PhD in composition at Harvard University
    I'm happy to announce that in September 2011 I'll start a PhD in composition at Harvard University under the guidance of Chaya Czernowin.
    28/12/10: "Infiltrationen": new video & Cobra-reportage online

    Click here for a reportage on about Zwerm & "Infiltrationen", click here for more info about the composition.
    28/10/10: "Fremdkörper #3 (mit Michael Jackson)"
    "Fremdkörper #3 (mit Michael Jackson)" for ensemble and live-electronics will be premiered by Klangforum Wien & Enno Poppe during the Impuls Festival on the 5th of February in Graz. Below you can hear an electronic study for "Fremdkörper #3".

    31/07/10: Kranichsteiner Musikpreis 2010
    The International Darmstadt Ferienkurse awarded me the Kranichsteiner Musikpreis 2010 for composition. Many thanks to all who supported me and to Thomas Schäfer for this fantastic edition!concert announcement Nikel Nikel Ensemble performing "Fremdkörper #2" at Darmstadt Ferienkurse 2010
    28/07/10: "Fremdkörper #1 " selected by ISCM-Flanders
    Fremdkörper #1 has been selected by ISCM-Flanders for the ISCM World Music Days 2011 in Zagreb. From the jury-report (chaired by Martijn Padding): "A completely original soundworld, a real top-work soundwise." / "Disturbing"
    2/06/10: Featured in "Les Classiques de demain" on Musiq3
    Click here to listen to an extensive interview (in French), fragments of "Erosie", "Ensuite", "Ventriloquium", "Fremdkörper #1" and improvisations with collectief reFLEXible and in duo with Richard Barrett in Anne Mattheeuws's program of 2-6-2010 on the French-speaking National Radio Channel "Musiq3"
    14/12/09: Staubach Award
    I'm very happy to have been awarded a "Staubach Honorarium", which is bi-annually awarded by the Darmstadt Ferienkurse 2010. This prize includes a composition commission for a new piece to be premiered by the Israelian Nikel Ensemble during the upcoming Darmstadt Ferienkurse in July (see calendar).
    15/10/09-20/10/09: Workshops live-electronics in Freiburg
    Together with 5 other selected composers, I'll be having two workshop-weeks with Orm Finnendahl at the Musikhochschule Freiburg dealing with his recently developed live-electronics software "Quo!". These workshops (the second one will be in March), in collaboration with the classes of Markus Weiss & Uli Fussenegger, will result in a new piece to be premiered at the Darmstadt Ferienkurse 2010.
    27/8/09-12/9/09: Brazilian tour
    From 27/8/09 until 12/9/2009 I'll be touring in Brasil, together with guitar-player Matthias Koole and Brasilian composer/guitar-player Mario del Nunzio. Concerts (including a.o. "Not I" for e-gtr & live-electronics), workshops and lectures are planned in a.o. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Campinas, Santos and Belo Horizonte.

    Get the Flash Player to see this player.

    Mario Del Nunzio, Matthias Koole & Stefan Prins improvising at Univ. de São Paulo, 9/9/2009.
    23/4/09: International Impuls Composition Competition 2009
    Being one of the four winners of the biannual International Impuls Composition Competition, the ensemble Klangforum Wien commissioned me a new composition to be premiered in Graz, Austria, in 2011. The jury consisted of Beat Furrer (dir), Pierluigi Billone, Ernesto Molinari & Ernst Kovacic.
    18/4/09: "Erosie (Memory Space#1)" selected by ISCM-Flanders
    Erosie (Memory Space #1) for viola & Bayan/accordion has been selected by ISCM-Flanders for the World Music Days in Australia 2010. The jury consisted of Eric Sleichim (dir), Maarten Beirens, & Filip Rathé.
    13/3/09: "Realgar" - review and interview on
    CD Realgar by collectief reFLEXible is selected as the "Editor's Choice" on Click here for the review and here for an interview by Koen van Meel.
    20/10/08: "Realgar" - new cd by collectief reFLEXible
    After having released several home-made cd-r's the past few years, collectief reFLEXible now presents its brand-new cd "Realgar" on the Italian improv-label Amirani Records. Over 50 minutes of improvised music by Joachim Devillé, trumpet & flugelhorn, Thomas Olbrechts, alto saxophone and Stefan Prins, live-electronics. Thanks to John "Sugerdaddy" Rottiers & Gianni Mimmo for their support! To order the cd go directly to Amirani's site or drop me a mail. To listen to excerpts, visit our myspace. For reviews, click here. realgar


MARCH 2025

ARCHIVE (2008)

ARCHIVE (2009)

ARCHIVE (2010)

ARCHIVE (2011)

ARCHIVE (2012)

ARCHIVE (2013)

ARCHIVE (2014)

ARCHIVE (2015)

ARCHIVE (2016)

ARCHIVE (2017)

ARCHIVE (2018)

ARCHIVE (2019)

ARCHIVE (2020)

ARCHIVE (2021)

ARCHIVE (2022)

ARCHIVE (2023)

ARCHIVE (2024)